Really Ancient (Unrecorded) History
~~ Paul V. Hartman ~~
Archeological Evidence Supports the Following:
2.5 Million BC Hominids as "australipithecus". (Ape-men)
(may exist as a few varieties)
1.6 Homo Habilis, the "Tool maker" (the tools are stones)
1.0 Homo Erectus. ("Upright walker")
Migration across a green Sahara about 900,000 BC
200,000 Homo Sapiens Sapiens in East Africa Rift Valley.
110,000 Last "Ice Age" begins.
90,000 2nd Migration (Sahara is green again) -> Near East
40,000 First racial split: Europe/Asia with South Pacific
(skin is still dark in all groups)
35,000 Second racial split: Europe (Caucasian) with Asian
(Oriental). Skin in both groups will lighten as
they migrate north to colder climates.
30,000 Arrival of Homo Sapiens in Australia (dark skin)
28,000 Migration to Americas: last race to appear: Red
("red" breaks off from Oriental)
The first migration, Homo Erectus, will migrate to most of the world,
except for the Western hemisphere and South Pacific.
From Erectus, Homo Neanderthal will appear about 135,000 and will be
existing when Homo Sapiens of the 2nd migration (beginning in 90,000)
arrives, but lose out and disappear in 35,000. Neanderthals are cold
adapted, short legged, brawny (Stupid looking, but not stupid). Vocal
apparatus believed to be poorly developed but with some communicative
As the early humans migrate northward (as glaciers retreat) the cold
requires covering (animal skins) which diminishes sun exposure, which
will give a survival advantage to lighter skin for the absorption of
necessary Vitamin D.
Sapiens, being taller, thinner, and (in the beginning) not cold
adapted, will prevail probably because improved communication will
result in a more successful cooperative hunt. An improved stone blade
technology will also help. The slowness to cold adapt will delay the
Sapiens dominance over Neanderthal.
Could Neanderthal breed with Sapiens? Possible but unknown. Both
Neanderthal and Sapiens descend from the Erectus stock, some of which
cross the Sahara (in the first migration) and some of which stay behind.
By the time what stays behind crosses - now as Sapiens - Neanderthal may
have diverged sufficiently to be a separate species. If so, then
Neanderthal could "mate" with Sapiens but not produce fertile offspring.
The migrations across the Sahara (going down the Nile would have been
a more difficult route) in 900,000 and 90,000 coincide with climactic
changes in which the Sahara is green. Early man, following game, "eats"
his way across in each case. In fact, it is a desire to follow the herd
that results in a trans-Saharan migration, not a desire to "explore a new
The last ice age terminated in 9,600 BC, and about 28,000 BC seems the
appropriate time at which the northeast Asians ate their way across the
Bering land bridge to become America's Indians and Eskimos. Some
evidence suggests an even earlier migration across the Bering bridge,
which is now submerged beneath the Bering Strait.
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