The Naciente ( web site, including all text, HTML, scripts, and images, are copyright 1995-2010. All rights reserved. Any replication, modification, or copy of any part of this website without the prior written consent of Naciente is prohibited. This copyright notice applies to site visitors, clients, non-clients, affiliates, and resellers.

We do not collect information about visitors to this site, so there is no need for a "Privacy Statement" relative to Naciente.Com, or any of its internal branches.

You may email the webmaster here and say anything you want. Whatever you do say we regard as in the Public Domain, and we feel free to publish it on the web as "public domain" material. We have gotten adverse opinion, from time to time, but nothing yet worth publishing.

The favicon used on this site representing Naciente.Com, illustrated in two graphics on this page, is the copywrite creation of Paul V. Hartman, of Athens, Georgia.

"Naciente" means "new beginning" and is derived from the same root as the English word "nascent" or the French word "renaissance". The phrase in Spanish "naciente del sol" has the literal meaning "new beginning of the sun", or, in other words, "dawn". This phrase is relatively common in Spanish, though naciente alone is not. This site found it useful to identify its favicon with "dawn" - or, in any case, with an image of the sun which has a color tinge reminiscent of the darker shades of dawn. To that end, Hartman spent many creative hours developing a sun icon which would fit distinctively into the tiny (16 pixels by 16 pixels) requirement of a favicon.

Any duplication of the Naciente.Com favicon, in whole or in part, will be regarded as an adverse act, worthy of pursuit by legal means, or by paramilitary groups who operate on a fee-for-service basis all over the world. Paramilitary is usually the cheaper option, and tends to be a permanent solution.