This noted educator, essayist, correspondent, and stage performer is available to address your group, classroom, or cruise ship on an extended variety of topics. While his professional expertise is in the areas of medicine and nuclear physics, he has proven to be well received on topics as diverse as sailing, architecture, wine appreciation, web page design, astronomy, environmental carcinogens, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, and global warming. (It isn't us!) He has performed on live stage for more than 30 years in a variety of roles, dramatic and comedic. Hartman is a heavy reader, is called upon to edit manuscripts, and is the food critic for two cities, among other things.
Hartman can speak with authority on numerous subjects. He has addressed groups as varied as senior high school students, nurses and technicians, college students, medical and post-doctoral students, and university faculty.
If you would like Professor Hartman to address your group, simply click on "CONTACT US" for email or snail mail information. Since he is now retired from medicine, his schedule is quite flexible.

Hear Hartman speak? Click for a short clip on "Ice Ages".

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